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Community Events/Outreach

All are welcome! 

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Christmas Dinner Among Friends

For over 25 years, St. Margaret has served a free community meal for Christmas with all the fixings. New and old friends provide fellowship over a delicious meal and gifts are given to all those present through the generosity of local churches and businesses. We serve over 250 people each Christmas with help from our community. 

Monthly Community Dinner

Monthly community dinners are typically held on the third Monday of each month

from 5-6pm.

Deacon’s Cupboard

Our Deacon’s Cupboard provides supplementary food supplies for people in immediate need. If you are interested in donating to the Deacon’s Cupboard, we are always looking for non-perishable items, such as canned meat & fish, pasta/Kraft dinner, peanut butter, canned fruit, coffee & tea. Donations can be dropped off during office hours or on Sundays. 

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Community Partnerships

We are very grateful for our incredible partnerships established working with incredible community agencies/members of the South Etobicoke Cluster. This includes LAMP Community Health Centre, Haven on the Queensway, Storefront Humber and Lakeshore Arts.

We would also like to thank our generous donors.

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