Anglican Worship
St Margaret is part of the Anglican Communion, Diocese of Toronto. Everyone is welcome.
You are invited to take part in any way that suits you. As part of our worship, we read scripture, stand, sit, kneel, sing, pray, and partake in communion (bread and wine).

Join us in-person
Sundays at 10:30 am
Join us on Zoom
Meeting ID: 573 318 0702
Password: 208245
Connect by Phone: 647 558 0588

“In the Anglican tradition, we believe that our worship and our prayers and our way of living are all intimately intertwined: what we do in our prayer affects our beliefs, which in turn affects our very way of being in the world. Praying shapes believing shapes living as faithful Christians in a world torn apart by social ills.”
- Collects for the #BlackLivesMatter Movement — and Beyond by Kenji Kuramitsu
We believe in the power of prayer. Our church family prays together regularly, both in our personal lives and during worship services. We lift up the needs of our parish, community, and the world to God through prayer.